In the last two days, two things have made me smile.
The first was at the service station while my gas bottle was getting filled.
A car pulls in on the complete opposite side of the forecourt to where the attendant is filling my bottle. A guy gets out of the car and there is a girl in the front seat. The guy yells across the forecourt. "Do you sell pregnancy kits?"
I guess it was nice that he was prepared to do the asking but not sure I would want that yelled across the forecourt while I was sitting in the car.
In case you are wondering garages do not seem to sell them.
So from the careless to the surprisingly caring.
It is rubbish day today so recycling bins have all been out and emptied. Just down the road a group of bins have been emptied but they have not just been thrown to the side of the road, or stacked roughly. They have been arranged neatly into a pyramid.
I like creativity for no reason. I am already wondering what feat of engineering they might try next week.
Rubbish day has just got more exciting.
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1 day ago